Computer Computer COMPUTER 🖥️ ️ Computer is an electronic device, which accept Input, Process on it and Display the Output. INPUT ➡️ PROCESS ➡️ ️OUTPUT. We may also define computer by many ways: Computer is an Electronic machine/device which can stores the large amount of Data. Computer is an electronic device which converts raw data into useful information. Computer is an electronic device which takes I/P(input) from the user and process in it, and gives useful information as O/P(output) to the user. Computer is an device which will do mathematical and logical operations. What are the parts of computer? Computers have some main parts and some additional parts. Main parts: Keyboard ⌨️ Mouse 🖱️ Monitor 🖥️ System unit(CPU) 🗄️ Computer basic parts Additional parts: Printer Scanner UPS(Un-interrupted Power Supply) Speakers Headphone Microphone Webcam These devices connects to computer as a...