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File Extensions

 File Formats with their Extensions

File extension or File Formats are like identifiers where we can identify their file types in our computer. If the file data is organized in correct format then only we can access those file by their file type software. 

To see file type/extension in computer : Select the file ⇾ right click ⇾ Go to Properties ⇾ General ⇾ type of file

.TXT : Text file created using Notepad

.DOC : Document file created using MS word Application (version 97-2003)

.DOCX : Document file created using MS word Application (version 2007-2019 and till)

.XLS : Excel File created using MS Excel Application (version 97 - 2003)

.XLSX : Excel File created using MS Excel (Application version 2007-2019 and till)

.PPT : Presentation File created using MS PowerPoint Application (version 97-2003)

.PPTX : Presentation File created using MS PowerPoint Application (version 2007-2019 till)

.PDF : Parable Document Format. This format is from Adobe software Created for Document Exchange.

.JPG : Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG). Editable Graphic file created from Adobe Photoshop (Image file)

.BMP : A computer Graphic represented as an array of bits of the individual pixels in an image. Generally created in MS-Paint application (Bitmap Image)

.PNG : Portable Network Graphic. File type : Image

.TIFF : Tag image File Format. Created by adobe for document Exchange

.GIF : Graphic Interface Format. Graphic interface format. Compressed bitmap format which supports 256 color.

.PSD : Photoshop Standard Graphic from Adobe Photoshop Application

.CRD : Editable Graphic file From Coral Draw Application

.MIDI : Musical Instrument Digital Interface. Music file

.MP3 : MPEG audio layer 3. Audio file

.MPEG : Motion Pictures Expert Group. Used for Audio, Movie, Web Technology

.MP4 : MPEG-4 part 14. Digital multimedia container format used to store video etc.

.AVI : Audio video Interface. Sound and Video Accessible with media player.

File extensions, file type extensions
File Extensions

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