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All abbreviation of Computers

All 138 Computer Related words Full Forms 



Computer Hardware






Data Communications


COMPUTER :Common Operating Machine Particularly used for technical and Education Research

PC : Personal Computer

Computer Hardware

CPU : Central Processing Unit

ALU : Arithmetic Logic Unit

CU : Control Unit

UPS : Uninterrupted Power Supply

HDD : Hard Disk Drive

SSD : Solid State Drive

USB : Universal Serial Bus

SMPS : Switch Mode Power Supply

OCR : Optical Character reorganization

OMR : Optical Mark reorganization

MICR : Magnetic Ink Character reorganization

LCD : Liquid Cristal Display

LED : Light Emitting Diode

CRT : Cathode Ray Tube

CD : Compact Disk

CD-R : Compact Disk recordable

CD-RW : Compact Disk Rewritable

CD -Rom : Compact Disk Read Only Memory

DVD : Digital Versatile Disk

DVD - R : Digital Versatile Disk Recordable

DVD - RW : Digital Versatile Disk Rewritable

DVD - Rom : Digital Versatile Disk Read only memory

RAM : Random Access Memory

ROM : Read Only Memory

VDU : Visual Display Unit

VGA : Video Graphic Array

HDMI : High Definition Multimedia Interface


KB : Kilo Byte

MB : Mega Bite

GB : Giga Bite

TB : Tera Bite

PB : Peta Byte

ROM : Read only memory

PROM (Programmable Read only memory)

EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read only memory)

EEPROM ( Electrically Erasable Programmable Read only memory)

RAM : Random access memory

DRAM (Dynamic Random-Access Memory)

SRAM (Static Random-Access Memory)

SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic Random-Access Memory)


HTTP : Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

HTTPS : Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure

HTML : Hyper Text Markup Language

URL : Uniform Recourse Locator

WWW : World Wide Web

ISP : Internet Service Provider

TCP/IP : Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol

TCP : Transmission Control Protocol

IP : Internet Protocol

Email : Electronic Mail

CC : Corban Copy (In Email)

BCC : Blind Corban Copy (In Email)

E-Commerce : Electronic Commerce

KBPS : Kilo Byte Per Second

MBPS : Mega Byte Per Second

BIOS : Basic Input Output System


LAN : Local Area Network

WAN : Wide Area Network

MAN : Metropolitan Area Network


GUI : Graphical User Interface

OS : Operation System

NOS : Network Operating System

DOS : Disk Operating System

DNS : Domain Name System

DBMS : Database Management System


PDF : Portable Document Format

GIF : Graphics Interface Format

JPG : Joint Photographic Experts Group (Gpeg)

PSD : Photoshop Standard Group

BMP : Bitmap

AVI : Audio Video Interface

MIDI : Musical Instrument Digital Interface

WMF : Window Meta File

Data Communications

    ASCII : American Standard Code for Information Interchange

    EBCDI : Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code

All Computer abbreviation, Computer Full forms
Computer Full Forms

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